We research basic needs in a routine, different and new/better way. Either it's software, healthcare, education, food or travel. It can be found in Red Monkey Research.
We are planning to write a project in AJAX, thought i will share this to people who want to add AJAX toolkit to their visual studio as it doesn't come by default.
2. Once download is complete, extract AjaxControlToolkit on your computer
3. Now, Open Visual Studio 2010, Right Click anywhere on the toolbox and choose Add Tab. I have created AJAX ToolKit - Feel free to create your own.
4. Now inside the empty space of that newly created tab, right click again and click on Choose Items, then a popup will open with all references. Click on browse at the bottom, and navigate to the folder where you downloaded and extracted the AJAX tool kit files. Select the AJAXControlToolKit.dll
5.Now you will see different types of controls are pre-selected and highlighted. Don't worry about the controls that are already selected - they wont be added again as they are already present under different tabs. P.S Don't deselect either!
6. Now you will see a little animation of all the controls being added to the toolbox, drag and drop any of those and enjoy using them.!!!!!
Finally left work aroun 2:45PM on Aug 5 to head to Copper mountain, CO. Long drive from Cheyenne, took us about 4 hours due to two accidents on the way on I-70. We decided to take a break and let the traffic congestion clear. Meantime we checked and make sure the mini mazda hitch is okay...
Never seen a mazda with a hitch? Here you go...
Best use of the hatchback :)...
Stress test has been completed, off we go.
Its about 5:15 I started from the hotel, but forgot my tags for the bike... bummer :(... So had to call silpa to the outside parking lot and wore my tags for bike and helmet and started around 5:40 finally without any hurdles...
Rohit and mike crossed me around 7th mile from the beginning of the race. While i slowly reached Fremont pass around 7:10AM. Overall not a bad grade at all. max grade is 9.5% at one point ... other than that it's a constant uphill with few flats... easier than we thought.
After Fremont pass, this was the best part. all down hill for about 25 miles with 3-4 miles of climb. That's when i reached tennesse pass around 8:50AM. This was second aid station where we had to detour into the aid station way inside... Spent 15 minutes eating bagels, cookies and bananas :)...
After Tenesse pass, there was one strech of 2 miles or so.... The below is a snapshot of how high the bridge was that i am standing on. Atleast 1000ft high.
Third aid station was approximately 8 miles from the second one.. and got some Clif shots there .. didin't spend much time there. Reached the fourth aid station (65 miles) around 11:45, where i took a half hour break just to relax and enjoy some snacks and bars.
This is the final strech of 8.5 miles of climb and gains about 2300ft of elevation... Right after the bridge i had to get down and walk as the grade was atleast 17% for about 0.1 mile... not long , but dead steep.
Finally, made it to vail pass around 1:40.. almost tired but realzied that all uphill climb is done.... which is good news... Didn't even bother to go into the 5th aid station
My special number for the event :)... Not 555 it's 2555
Total mileage for the day... 80.46 miles in 7 hours 11 mins, started from the beginning. But noticed lot of people starting from the outside parking lot... sucks! didn't know that.
Here i am at the finish line :)..
My Bike caddy!
Paying tributes...
Because of him (Rohit) this whole thing of biking happened... Dedication, Determination, ... you name it, he has it. Proud to Be Indian....
Here is the Indo-Nepali peace treaty agreement in USA :)...
Over and out.... Waiting to do something crazy!!!!
Placement of speakers in a room is critical for best output and quality. Here is a sample layout, and we are using this in our auditorium in India. BTW, i designed this layout, comments are Welcome!